
1 Introduction

In this vignette, we will be showing various ways users can analyze their condition-specific network across the conditions of their experiment. We will be using the astrocyte Ribotag data from Itoh et al. PNAS. 2018 ( This data comes with the multiWGCNAdata package hosted on ExperimentHub and can be accessed as shown below.

2 Load multiWGCNA library

#> Loading required package: ggalluvial
#> Loading required package: ggplot2

3 Load astrocyte Ribotag RNA-seq data

# Download data from the ExperimentHub
#> Loading required package: BiocGenerics
#> Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     anyDuplicated, aperm, append,, basename, cbind,
#>     colnames, dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find,
#>     get, grep, grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply,
#>     match, mget, order, paste, pmax,, pmin,,
#>     Position, rank, rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, table,
#>     tapply, union, unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
#> Loading required package: AnnotationHub
#> Loading required package: BiocFileCache
#> Loading required package: dbplyr
eh = ExperimentHub()

# Note: this requires the SummarizedExperiment package to be installed
eh_query = query(eh, c("multiWGCNAdata"))
astrocyte_se = eh_query[["EH8223"]]
#> see ?multiWGCNAdata and browseVignettes('multiWGCNAdata') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> require("SummarizedExperiment")

# Collect the metadata in the sampleTable; the first column must be named "Sample"
sampleTable = colData(astrocyte_se)

# Check the data
assays(astrocyte_se)[[1]][1:5, 1:5]
#>                   EAE_1    EAE_2    EAE_3    EAE_4    EAE_5
#> 0610007P14Rik 6.8295061 6.855911 6.254815 6.018663 7.082242
#> 0610009B22Rik 6.7316000 7.131389 5.512180 5.350221 6.612084
#> 0610009O20Rik 5.2374819 4.613763 5.163960 4.499471 5.376452
#> 0610010B08Rik 0.6621082 1.237812 2.602756 1.404309 2.646006
#> 0610010F05Rik 2.7476431 3.870872 3.311788 3.329422 3.424676
#> DataFrame with 36 rows and 3 columns
#>                 Sample     Disease      Region
#>            <character> <character> <character>
#> EAE_1            EAE_1         EAE         Cbl
#> EAE_2            EAE_2         EAE         Cbl
#> EAE_3            EAE_3         EAE         Cbl
#> EAE_4            EAE_4         EAE         Cbl
#> EAE_5            EAE_5         EAE         Cbl
#> ...                ...         ...         ...
#> healthy_12  healthy_12          WT       Hippo
#> healthy_13  healthy_13          WT          Sc
#> healthy_14  healthy_14          WT          Sc
#> healthy_15  healthy_15          WT          Sc
#> healthy_16  healthy_16          WT          Sc

# Define our conditions for trait 1 (disease) and 2 (brain region)
conditions1 = unique(sampleTable[,2])
conditions2 = unique(sampleTable[,3])

4 Network construction

We now perform network construction, module eigengene calculation, module-trait correlation. Let’s use power = 12 since we used this in our paper (Tommasini and Fogel. BMC Bioinformatics. 2023.) for all the networks.

# Construct the combined networks and all the sub-networks (EAE, WT, and each region)
# Same parameters as Tommasini and Fogel. BMC Bioinformatics
astrocyte_networks = constructNetworks(astrocyte_se, sampleTable, conditions1, conditions2, 
                                  networkType = "signed", TOMType = "unsigned", 
                                  power = 12, minModuleSize = 100, maxBlockSize = 25000,
                                  reassignThreshold = 0, minKMEtoStay = 0, mergeCutHeight = 0,
                                  numericLabels = TRUE, pamRespectsDendro = FALSE, 
                                  deepSplit = 4, verbose = 3)

This step takes a while since it performs seven network constructions, so we also provide the WGCNA object list (astrocyte_networks) in a loadable format. These were generated from the function above.

# Load pre-computed astrocyte networks
astrocyte_networks = eh_query[["EH8222"]] 
#> see ?multiWGCNAdata and browseVignettes('multiWGCNAdata') for documentation
#> loading from cache

# Check one of the WGCNA objects
#> ##### datExpr #####
#>                           X     EAE_1    EAE_2    EAE_3    EAE_4
#> 0610007P14Rik 0610007P14Rik 6.8295061 6.855911 6.254815 6.018663
#> 0610009B22Rik 0610009B22Rik 6.7316000 7.131389 5.512180 5.350221
#> 0610009O20Rik 0610009O20Rik 5.2374819 4.613763 5.163960 4.499471
#> 0610010B08Rik 0610010B08Rik 0.6621082 1.237812 2.602756 1.404309
#> 0610010F05Rik 0610010F05Rik 2.7476431 3.870872 3.311788 3.329422
#> 0610010K14Rik 0610010K14Rik 6.7580660 5.741782 7.068028 6.066397
#> ##### conditions #####
#>   Sample Cbl Ctx Hippo Sc EAE WT
#> 1  EAE_1   1   2     2  2   1  2
#> 2  EAE_2   1   2     2  2   1  2
#> 3  EAE_3   1   2     2  2   1  2
#> 4  EAE_4   1   2     2  2   1  2
#> 5  EAE_5   1   2     2  2   1  2
#> 6  EAE_6   2   1     2  2   1  2
#> ##### module-trait correlation #####
#>         Module                 Cbl                Ctx              Hippo
#> 1 combined_000 -0.0364476003508565 -0.255256505885536  0.197531123492674
#> 2 combined_001   0.288897873627807  0.224331519793051 -0.951891696612219
#> 3 combined_002  -0.173307792846142  0.192824350579657 -0.737858151950135
#> 4 combined_003  -0.602638473395467  0.358865557684427 -0.443014688492424
#> 5 combined_004  -0.298759692763236  0.237517325231285  0.389483421290234
#> 6 combined_005    0.33717807439664  0.217125827452453  0.404748752737107
#>                   Sc                EAE                  WT
#> 1 0.0941729827437187 -0.129401075697594   0.129401075697594
#> 2  0.438662303191361 0.0564118630816024 -0.0564118630816024
#> 3  0.718341594216621  0.124624344929484  -0.124624344929484
#> 4  0.686787604203464  0.118489907579839  -0.118489907579839
#> 5 -0.328241053758283  -0.27623235802516    0.27623235802516
#> 6 -0.959052654586201 0.0993302279700684 -0.0993302279700684
#>            p.value.Cbl        p.value.Ctx        p.value.Hippo
#> 1    0.832857799237777  0.132966929718593    0.248179967153461
#> 2   0.0874757049142457  0.188400881435516 4.88276900785685e-19
#> 3    0.312100684420068  0.259856986766255 2.82359321810442e-07
#> 4 0.000100501116087253 0.0316046790137704  0.00681175845919204
#> 5   0.0767322030921174   0.16305699722782   0.0188747122157827
#> 6   0.0443263856584159  0.203366848448585    0.014341658701339
#>             p.value.Sc       p.value.EAE        p.value.WT trait log10Pvalue
#> 1     0.58485059401596 0.451944819774715 0.451944819774715  None   0.8762564
#> 2  0.00744524874705859 0.743829515380077 0.743829515380077 Hippo  18.3113338
#> 3 8.09340902303281e-07 0.468950669314544 0.468950669314544 Hippo   6.5491979
#> 4 3.73966334787861e-06 0.491276518086413 0.491276518086413    Sc   5.4271675
#> 5   0.0506450923633608 0.102930451571833 0.102930451571833 Hippo   1.7241197
#> 6 3.33227384463383e-20 0.564360643230857 0.564360643230857    Sc  19.4772593
#> ##### module eigengenes #####
#>                    EAE_1       EAE_2        EAE_3       EAE_4       EAE_5
#> combined_000  0.02299076  0.04566290 -0.016901593 -0.04957158  0.05120053
#> combined_001 -0.12249369 -0.04708563 -0.103509765 -0.08154738 -0.10047042
#> combined_002 -0.09416519  0.11637829  0.001182349  0.02840979  0.04835513
#> combined_003  0.01507925  0.20555343  0.141335547  0.13334496  0.21012775
#> combined_004  0.21553261 -0.19353170  0.303492247  0.17313968  0.25254140
#> combined_005 -0.07089446 -0.01972901 -0.159155387 -0.09926386 -0.15912974
#> ##### outlier modules #####
#> [1] "combined_000" "combined_019" "combined_025" "combined_028" "combined_030"
#> [6] "combined_035" "combined_036" "combined_037" "combined_038"

5 Compare modules by overlap

Next, we compare modules (by hypergeometric overlap) across conditions. We’ll save the results in a list.

# Save results to a list
results = list()
results$overlaps = iterate(astrocyte_networks, overlapComparisons, plot=FALSE)
#> #### comparing combined and EAE ####
#> #### comparing combined and WT ####
#> #### comparing combined and Cbl ####
#> #### comparing combined and Ctx ####
#> #### comparing combined and Hippo ####
#> #### comparing combined and Sc ####
#> #### comparing EAE and WT ####
#> #### comparing EAE and Cbl ####
#> #### comparing EAE and Ctx ####
#> #### comparing EAE and Hippo ####
#> #### comparing EAE and Sc ####
#> #### comparing WT and Cbl ####
#> #### comparing WT and Ctx ####
#> #### comparing WT and Hippo ####
#> #### comparing WT and Sc ####
#> #### comparing Cbl and Ctx ####
#> #### comparing Cbl and Hippo ####
#> #### comparing Cbl and Sc ####
#> #### comparing Ctx and Hippo ####
#> #### comparing Ctx and Sc ####
#> #### comparing Hippo and Sc ####

# Check the overlaps, ie between the EAE and wildtype networks
#>      mod1   mod2 mod1.size mod2.size overlap p.value p.adj
#> 1 EAE_000 WT_000         1         2       0       1     1
#> 2 EAE_000 WT_001         1      1001       0       1     1
#> 3 EAE_000 WT_002         1       885       0       1     1
#> 4 EAE_000 WT_003         1       883       0       1     1
#> 5 EAE_000 WT_004         1       767       0       1     1
#> 6 EAE_000 WT_005         1       727       0       1     1

6 Identify a module of interest

Then, we perform differential module expression analysis to detect modules with disease-associated expression patterns. This incorporates the linear model described in the paper and tests for significance using ANOVA.

# Run differential module expression analysis (DME) on combined networks
results$diffModExp = runDME(astrocyte_networks[["combined"]], 
                            p.adjust = "fdr", 
                            refCondition = "Region", 
                            testCondition = "Disease") 
                            # plot=TRUE, 
                            # out="ANOVA_DME.pdf")

# Check results sorted by disease association FDR
#>                  Disease Disease*Region       Region
#> combined_013 0.004565611     0.98775812 5.707380e-04
#> combined_016 0.056027353     0.02147806 2.496359e-09
#> combined_021 0.056027353     0.98775812 1.591773e-01
#> combined_033 0.056027353     0.98775812 6.349427e-06
#> combined_032 0.075974114     0.98775812 1.228102e-01
#> combined_020 0.081916454     0.98775812 1.545306e-05
#> combined_026 0.125548873     0.98775812 2.274020e-02
#> combined_005 0.129290571     0.98775812 1.985491e-18
#> combined_017 0.129290571     0.98775812 3.390485e-03
#> combined_031 0.129290571     0.98775812 8.937602e-06
#> combined_003 0.201313016     0.98775812 5.082058e-14
#> combined_004 0.201313016     0.98775812 8.237774e-03
#> combined_002 0.204080192     0.98775812 7.594394e-13
#> combined_009 0.204080192     0.98775812 1.817818e-24
#> combined_022 0.235673317     0.98775812 1.522679e-17
#> combined_010 0.260509013     0.98775812 1.278032e-05
#> combined_015 0.260509013     0.98775812 1.286140e-03
#> combined_008 0.305563496     0.98775812 9.832001e-05
#> combined_011 0.305563496     0.98775812 1.488179e-19
#> combined_012 0.364451132     0.98775812 5.490254e-17
#> combined_014 0.364451132     0.98775812 7.311012e-22
#> combined_018 0.364451132     0.98775812 5.347187e-19
#> combined_023 0.364451132     0.98775812 3.631151e-09
#> combined_025 0.364451132     0.98775812 1.769155e-01
#> combined_001 0.387743702     0.98775812 4.956367e-17
#> combined_036 0.387743702     0.98775812 4.677576e-01
#> combined_029 0.433469339     0.98775812 5.875322e-15
#> combined_037 0.435725138     0.98775812 2.151891e-01
#> combined_006 0.442761880     0.98775812 9.999069e-17
#> combined_028 0.442761880     0.98775812 3.015503e-01
#> combined_035 0.442761880     0.98775812 4.374292e-01
#> combined_007 0.500999238     0.98775812 9.767417e-05
#> combined_030 0.500999238     0.98775812 3.015503e-01
#> combined_000 0.504429894     0.98775812 4.374292e-01
#> combined_034 0.504429894     0.98775812 5.707380e-04
#> combined_038 0.515358345     0.98775812 4.037062e-01
#> combined_024 0.692301058     0.98775812 3.840878e-18
#> combined_019 0.717692761     0.98775812 4.677576e-01
#> combined_027 0.717692761     0.98775812 1.378638e-15

# You can check the expression of module M13 from Tommasini and Fogel. BMC Bioinformatics. 2023 like this. Note that the values reported in the bottom panel title are p-values and not adjusted for multiple comparisons like in results$diffModExp
                     geneList = topNGenes(astrocyte_networks[[1]], "combined_013"), 
                     design = sampleTable,
                     test = "ANOVA",
                     plotTitle = "combined_013",
                     plot = TRUE)
#> #### plotting combined_013 ####

#>          Factors      p.value
#> 1        Disease 0.0001170670
#> 2         Region 0.0003394679
#> 3 Disease*Region 0.1386488005

7 Draw the multiWGCNA network

We can now check to see if M13 is present in any of the sub-networks. An easy way to do this is using the network-network correspondences from hypergeometric overlap. These are stored in results$overlaps. We can plot these in a convenient visualization scheme that also organizes the three levels of the multiWGCNA analysis: 1) combined network, 2) EAE and wildtype networks, and 3) the four regional networks.

                      design = sampleTable, 
                      overlapCutoff = 0, 
                      padjCutoff = 1, 
                      removeOutliers = TRUE, 
                      alpha = 1e-50, 
                      layout = NULL, 
                      hjust = 0.4, 
                      vjust = 0.3, 
                      width = 0.5)


This corresponds to Figure 2C from Tommasini and Fogel. BMC Bioinformatics. 2023. We see that M13 is really only present in the EAE network, but not any of the other sub-networks. Most importantly, it cannot be resolved in the wildtype network. This makes M13 a biologically interesting network, both in terms of differential expression and differential co-expression.

We can identify the EAE module that corresponds to M13 using the overlap analysis:
