Bioconductor ExperimentData Packages
Bioconductor version: Development (3.21)
Package | Maintainer | Title |
adductData | Josie Hayes | Data from untargeted MS of modifications to Cys34 of serum albumin |
affycompData | Robert D Shear | affycomp data |
affydata | Robert D Shear | Affymetrix Data for Demonstration Purpose |
Affyhgu133A2Expr | Zhicheng Ji | Affymetrix Human Genome U133A 2.0 Array (GPL571) Expression Data Package |
Affyhgu133aExpr | Zhicheng Ji | Affymetrix Human hgu133a Array (GPL96) Expression Data Package |
Affyhgu133Plus2Expr | Zhicheng Ji | Affyhgu133Plus2Expr (GPL570) Expression Data Package |
AffymetrixDataTestFiles | Henrik Bengtsson | Affymetrix Data Files (CEL, CDF, CHP, EXP, PGF, PSI) for Testing |
Affymoe4302Expr | Zhicheng Ji | Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 Array (GPL1261) Expression Data Package |
airway | Michael Love | RangedSummarizedExperiment for RNA-Seq in airway smooth muscle cells, by Himes et al PLoS One 2014 |
ALL | Robert Gentleman | A data package |
ALLMLL | B. M. Bolstad | A subset of arrays from a large acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) study |
AmpAffyExample | Robert D Shear | Example of Amplified Data |
AneuFinderData | Aaron Taudt | WGSCS Data for Demonstration Purposes |
antiProfilesData | Hector Corrada Bravo | Normal colon and cancer preprocessed affy data for antiProfile building. |
aracne.networks | Federico M. Giorgi, Mariano Alvarez | ARACNe-inferred gene networks from TCGA tumor datasets |
ARRmData | Jean-Philippe Fortin | Example dataset for normalization of Illumina 450k Methylation data |
AshkenazimSonChr21 | Who to complain to | Annotated variants on the chromosome 21, human genome 19, Ashkenazim Trio son sample |
ASICSdata | Gaëlle Lefort | Example of 1D NMR spectra data for ASICS package |
AssessORFData | Nicholas Cooley | Data and Files for the AssessORF Package |
bcellViper | Mariano Javier Alvarez | Human B-cell transcriptional interactome and normal human B-cell expression data |
beadarrayExampleData | Mark Dunning | Example data for the beadarray package |
BeadArrayUseCases | Mike Smith | Analysing Illumina BeadArray expression data using Bioconductor |
BeadSorted.Saliva.EPIC | Jonah Fisher | Illumina EPIC data on BeadSorted child saliva cells |
benchmarkfdrData2019 | Stephanie Hicks | Data and Benchmarking Results from Korthauer and Kimes et al. (2019) |
beta7 | Jean Yang | Rodriguez et al. (2004) Differential Gene Expression by Memory/Effector T Helper Cells Bearing the Gut-Homing Receptor Integrin alpha4 beta7. |
BioImageDbs | Satoshi Kume | Bio- and biomedical imaging dataset for machine learning and deep learning (for ExperimentHub) |
BioPlex | Ludwig Geistlinger | R-side access to BioPlex protein-protein interaction data |
biotmleData | Nima Hejazi | Example experimental microarray data set for the "biotmle" R package |
biscuiteerData | "Jacob Morrison" | Data Package for Biscuiteer |
bladderbatch | Jeffrey T. Leek | Bladder gene expression data illustrating batch effects |
blimaTestingData | Vojtech Kulvait | Data for testing of the package blima. |
BloodCancerMultiOmics2017 | Malgorzata Oles | "Drug-perturbation-based stratification of blood cancer" by Dietrich S, Oles M, Lu J et al. - experimental data and complete analysis |
bodymapRat | Stephanie Hicks | Experimental dataset from the rat BodyMap project |
breakpointRdata | David Porubsky | Strand-seq data for demonstration purposes |
breastCancerMAINZ | Markus Schroeder, Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Gene expression dataset published by Schmidt et al. [2008] (MAINZ). |
breastCancerNKI | Markus Schroeder, Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Genexpression dataset published by van't Veer et al. [2002] and van de Vijver et al. [2002] (NKI). |
breastCancerTRANSBIG | Markus Schroeder, Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Gene expression dataset published by Desmedt et al. [2007] (TRANSBIG). |
breastCancerUNT | Markus Schroeder, Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Gene expression dataset published by Sotiriou et al. [2007] (UNT). |
breastCancerUPP | Markus Schroeder, Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Gene expression dataset published by Miller et al. [2005] (UPP). |
breastCancerVDX | Markus Schroeder, Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Gene expression datasets published by Wang et al. [2005] and Minn et al. [2007] (VDX). |
brgedata | Dolors Pelegri-Siso | Exposures, Gene Expression and Methylation data for ilustration purpouses |
bronchialIL13 | Vince Carey | time course experiment involving il13 |
bsseqData | Kasper Daniel Hansen | Example whole genome bisulfite data for the bsseq package |
bugphyzz | Samuel Gamboa | A harmonized data resource and software for enrichment analysis of microbial physiologies |
cancerdata | Daniel Kosztyla | Development and validation of diagnostic tests from high-dimensional molecular data: Datasets |
CardinalWorkflows | Kylie A. Bemis | Datasets and workflows for the Cardinal MSI |
ccdata | Alex Pickering | Data for Combination Connectivity Mapping (ccmap) Package |
CCl4 | Audrey Kauffmann | Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) treated hepatocytes |
celarefData | Sarah Williams | Processed scRNA data for celaref Vignette - cell labelling by reference |
celldex | Aaron Lun | Index of Reference Cell Type Datasets |
CellMapperData | Brad Nelms | Pre-processed data for use with the CellMapper package |
cfToolsData | Ran Hu | ExperimentHub data for the cfTools package |
ChAMPdata | Yuan Tian | Data Packages for ChAMP package |
ChimpHumanBrainData | Sean Davis | Chimp and human brain data package | | Kai Wang | Companion package to chipenrich |
ChIPexoQualExample | Rene Welch | Example data for the ChIPexoQual package, which implements a quality control pipeline for ChIP-exo data |
chipseqDBData | Aaron Lun | Data for the chipseqDB Workflow |
ChIPXpressData | George Wu | ChIPXpress Pre-built Databases |
chromstaRData | Aaron Taudt | ChIP-seq data for Demonstration Purposes |
CLL | Robert Gentleman | A Package for CLL Gene Expression Data |
CLLmethylation | Malgorzata Oles, Andreas Mock | Methylation data of primary CLL samples in PACE project |
CluMSIDdata | Tobias Depke | Data for the CluMSID package |
clustifyrdatahub | Kent Riemondy | External data sets for clustifyr in ExperimentHub |
cMap2data | J. Saez-Rodriguez | Connectivity Map (version 2) Data |
cnvGSAdata | Joseph Lugo | Data used in the vignette of the cnvGSA package |
COHCAPanno | Charles Warden | Annotations for City of Hope CpG Island Analysis Pipeline |
colonCA | W Sylvia Merk | exprSet for Alon et al. (1999) colon cancer data |
CONFESSdata | Diana LOW | Example dataset for CONFESS package |
ConnectivityMap | Paul Shannon | Functional connections between drugs, genes and diseases as revealed by common gene-expression changes | | J Fah Sathirapongsasuti | Data to support sexually dimorphic and COPD differential analysis for gene expression and methylation. |
CopyhelpeR | Oscar Krijgsman | Helper files for CopywriteR |
CopyNeutralIMA | Xavier Pastor Hostench | Copy Neutral Illumina Methylation Arrays |
CoSIAdata | Amanda D. Clark | VST normalized RNA-Sequencing data with annotations for multiple species samples from Bgee |
COSMIC.67 | Julian Gehring | COSMIC.67 |
CRCL18 | Claudio Isella | CRC cell line dataset |
crisprScoreData | Jean-Philippe Fortin | Pre-trained models for the crisprScore package |
curatedAdipoArray | Mahmoud Ahmed | A Curated Microarrays Dataset of MDI-induced Differentiated Adipocytes (3T3-L1) Under Genetic and Pharmacological Perturbations |
curatedAdipoChIP | Mahmoud Ahmed | A Curated ChIP-Seq Dataset of MDI-induced Differentiated Adipocytes (3T3-L1) |
curatedAdipoRNA | Mahmoud Ahmed | A Curated RNA-Seq Dataset of MDI-induced Differentiated Adipocytes (3T3-L1) |
curatedBladderData | Markus Riester | Bladder Cancer Gene Expression Analysis |
curatedBreastData | Katie Planey | Curated breast cancer gene expression data with survival and treatment information |
curatedCRCData | Princy Parsana | Colorectal Cancer Gene Expression Analysis |
curatedMetagenomicData | Lucas schiffer | Curated Metagenomic Data of the Human Microbiome |
curatedOvarianData | Levi Waldron | Clinically Annotated Data for the Ovarian Cancer Transcriptome |
curatedPCaData | Teemu Daniel Laajala | Curated Prostate Cancer Data |
curatedTBData | Xutao Wang | Curation of existing tuberculosis transcriptomic studies |
curatedTCGAData | Marcel Ramos | Curated Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) as MultiAssayExperiment Objects |
CytoMethIC | Jacob Fanale | DNA methylation-based machine learning models |
DAPARdata | Samuel Wieczorek | Data accompanying the DAPAR and Prostar packages |
davidTiling | Wolfgang Huber | Data and analysis scripts for David, Huber et al. yeast tiling array paper |
depmap | Laurent Gatto | Cancer Dependency Map Data Package |
derfinderData | Leonardo Collado-Torres | Processed BigWigs from BrainSpan for examples |
DeSousa2013 | Xin Wang | Poor prognosis colon cancer is defined by a molecularly distinct subtype and precursor lesion |
DExMAdata | Juan Antonio Villatoro-García | Data package for DExMA package |
diffloopdata | Caleb Lareau | Example ChIA-PET Datasets for the diffloop Package |
diggitdata | Mariano Javier Alvarez | Example data for the diggit package |
DLBCL | Marcus Dittrich | Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma expression data |
DMRcatedata | Tim Peters | Data Package for DMRcate |
DNAZooData | Jacques Serizay | DNA Zoo data package |
DonaPLLP2013 | Joseph D. Barry | Supplementary data package for Dona et al. (2013) containing example images and tables |
dorothea | Pau Badia-i-Mompel | Collection Of Human And Mouse TF Regulons |
dressCheck | Vincent Carey | data and software for checking Dressman JCO 25(5) 2007 |
DropletTestFiles | Aaron Lun | Test Files for Single-Cell Droplet Utilities |
DrugVsDiseasedata | J. Saez-Rodriguez | Drug versus Disease Data |
DuoClustering2018 | Angelo Duò | Data, Clustering Results and Visualization Functions From Duò et al (2018) |
DvDdata | J. Saez-Rodriguez | Drug versus Disease Data |
dyebiasexamples | Philip Lijnzaad | Example data for the dyebias package, which implements the GASSCO method. |
easierData | Oscar Lapuente-Santana | easier internal data and exemplary dataset from IMvigor210CoreBiologies package |
EatonEtAlChIPseq | Patrick Aboyoun | ChIP-seq data of ORC-binding sites in Yeast excerpted from Eaton et al. 2010 |
ecoliLeucine | Laurent Gautier | Experimental data with Affymetrix E. coli chips |
EGSEAdata | Monther Alhamdoosh | Gene set collections for the EGSEA package | | Tiago Chedraoui Silva | Data for the ELMER package |
emtdata | Malvika D. Kharbanda | An ExperimentHub Package for data sets with an Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) |
eoPredData | Victor Yuan | ExperimentHub package containing model data for predicting preeclampsia status for based on plcaental DNA methylation profile | | Yuanning Zheng | Data for the EpiMix package |
epimutacionsData | Leire Abarrategui | Data for epimutacions package | | Jackson Barth | Reference data for EpipwR |
estrogen | Wolfgang Huber | Microarray dataset that can be used as example for 2x2 factorial designs |
etec16s | Joseph N. Paulson | Individual-specific changes in the human gut microbiota after challenge with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and subsequent ciprofloxacin treatment |
ewceData | Alan Murphy | The ewceData package provides reference data required for ewce |
faahKO | Steffen Neumann | Saghatelian et al. (2004) FAAH knockout LC/MS data |
fabiaData | Sepp Hochreiter | Data sets for FABIA (Factor Analysis for Bicluster Acquisition) |
FANTOM3and4CAGE | Vanja Haberle | CAGE data from FANTOM3 and FANTOM4 projects |
ffpeExampleData | Levi Waldron | Illumina DASL example microarray data |
fibroEset | Sylvia Merk | exprSet for Karaman et al. (2003) fibroblasts data |
FieldEffectCrc | Christopher Dampier | Tumor, tumor-adjacent normal, and healthy colorectal transcriptomes as SummarizedExperiment objects |
FIs | Herbert Braselmann, Martin Selmansberger | Human Functional Interactions (FIs) for splineTimeR package |
fission | Michael Love | RangedSummarizedExperiment for time course RNA-Seq of fission yeast in response to stress, by Leong et al., Nat Commun 2014. |
Fletcher2013a | Mauro Castro | Gene expression data from breast cancer cells under FGFR2 signalling perturbation |
Fletcher2013b | Mauro Castro | Master regulators of FGFR2 signalling and breast cancer risk |
flowPloidyData | Tyler Smith | Example Flow Cytometry Data |
FlowSorted.Blood.450k | Andrew E Jaffe | Illumina HumanMethylation data on sorted blood cell populations |
FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC | Lucas A. Salas | Illumina EPIC data on immunomagnetic sorted peripheral adult blood cells |
FlowSorted.CordBlood.450k | Shan V. Andrews | Illumina 450k data on sorted cord blood cells |
FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k | Lucas A. Salas | Illumina 450k/EPIC data on FACS and MACS umbilical blood cells |
FlowSorted.CordBloodNorway.450k | kristina gervin | Illumina HumanMethylation data on sorted cord blood cell populations |
FlowSorted.DLPFC.450k | Andrew E Jaffe | Illumina HumanMethylation data on sorted frontal cortex cell populations |
flowWorkspaceData | Mike Jiang | A data package containing two flowJo, one diva xml workspace and the associated fcs files as well as three GatingSets for testing the flowWorkspace, openCyto and CytoML packages. |
fourDNData | Jacques Serizay | 4DN data package |
frmaExampleData | Matthew N. McCall | Frma Example Data |
furrowSeg | Joseph Barry | Furrow Segmentation |
gageData | Weijun Luo | Auxillary data for gage package |
gaschYHS | Vince Carey | ExpressionSet for response of yeast to heat shock and other environmental stresses |
gcspikelite | Mark Robinson | Spike-in data for GC/MS data and methods within flagme |
gDNAinRNAseqData | Robert Castelo | RNA-seq data with different levels of gDNA contamination |
gDRtestData | Arkadiusz Gladki | gDRtestData - R data package with testing dose response data |
geneLenDataBase | Federico Marini | Lengths of mRNA transcripts for a number of genomes |
genomationData | Vedran Franke | Experimental data for showing functionalities of the genomation package |
GenomicDistributionsData | Kristyna Kupkova | Reference data for GenomicDistributions package |
GeuvadisTranscriptExpr | Malgorzata Nowicka | Data package with transcript expression and bi-allelic genotypes from the GEUVADIS project |
GIGSEAdata | Shijia Zhu | Gene set collections for the GIGSEA package |
golubEsets | Vince Carey | exprSets for golub leukemia data |
gpaExample | Dongjun Chung | Example data for the GPA package (Genetic analysis incorporating Pleiotropy and Annotation) |
grndata | Pau Bellot | Synthetic Expression Data for Gene Regulatory Network Inference |
GSBenchMark | Bahman Afsari | Gene Set Benchmark |
GSE103322 | Mariano Alvarez | GEO accession data GSE103322 as a SingleCellExperiment |
GSE13015 | Darawan Rinchai | GEO accession data GSE13015_GPL6106 as a SummarizedExperiment |
GSE159526 | Victor Yuan | Placental cell DNA methylation data from GEO accession GSE159526 |
GSE62944 | Bioconductor Package Maintainer | GEO accession data GSE62944 as a SummarizedExperiment |
GSVAdata | Robert Castelo | Data employed in the vignette of the GSVA package |
GWASdata | Stephanie Gogarten | Data used in the examples and vignettes of the GWASTools package |
h5vcData | Paul Theodor Pyl | Example data for the h5vc package |
hapmap100khind | Benilton Carvalho | Sample data - Hapmap 100K HIND Affymetrix |
hapmap100kxba | Benilton Carvalho | Sample data - Hapmap 100K XBA Affymetrix |
hapmap500knsp | Benilton Carvalho | Sample data - Hapmap 500K NSP Affymetrix |
hapmap500ksty | Benilton Carvalho | Sample data - Hapmap 500K STY Affymetrix |
hapmapsnp5 | Benilton Carvalho | Sample data - Hapmap SNP 5.0 Affymetrix |
hapmapsnp6 | Benilton Carvalho | Sample data - Hapmap SNP 6.0 Affymetrix |
harbChIP | VJ Carey | Experimental Data Package: harbChIP |
HarmanData | Jason Ross | Data for the Harman package |
HarmonizedTCGAData | Tianle Ma | Processed Harmonized TCGA Data of Five Selected Cancer Types |
HCAData | Federico Marini | Accessing The Datasets Of The Human Cell Atlas in R/Bioconductor |
HCATonsilData | Ramon Massoni-Badosa | Provide programmatic access to the tonsil cell atlas datasets |
HD2013SGI | Mike Smith | Mapping genetic interactions in human cancer cells with RNAi and multiparametric phenotyping |
HDCytoData | Lukas M. Weber | Collection of high-dimensional cytometry benchmark datasets in Bioconductor object formats |
healthyControlsPresenceChecker | Davide Chicco | Dowloads A Gene Expression Dataset From GEO And Checks If It Contains Data Of Healthy Controls Or Not |
healthyFlowData | Ariful Azad | Healthy dataset used by the flowMatch package |
HEEBOdata | Agnes Paquet | HEEBO set and HEEBO controls. |
HelloRangesData | Michael Lawrence | Data for the HelloRanges tutorial vignette |
hgu133abarcodevecs | Matthew N. McCall | hgu133a data for barcode |
hgu133plus2barcodevecs | Matthew N. McCall | hgu133plus2 data for barcode |
hgu133plus2CellScore | Nancy Mah | CellScore Standard Cell Types Expression Dataset [hgu133plus2] |
hgu2beta7 | Bioconductor Package Maintainer | A data package containing annotation data for hgu2beta7 |
HiBED | Ze Zhang | HiBED |
HiCDataHumanIMR90 | Nicolas Servant | Human IMR90 Fibroblast HiC data from Dixon et al. 2012 |
HiCDataLymphoblast | Borbala Mifsud | Human lymphoblastoid HiC data from Lieberman-Aiden et al. 2009 |
HiContactsData | Jacques Serizay | HiContacts companion data package |
HighlyReplicatedRNASeq | Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze | Collection of Bulk RNA-Seq Experiments With Many Replicates |
Hiiragi2013 | Andrzej Oles | Cell-to-cell expression variability followed by signal reinforcement progressively segregates early mouse lineages |
HIVcDNAvantWout03 | Chris Fraley | T cell line infections with HIV-1 LAI (BRU) |
HMP16SData | Lucas schiffer | 16S rRNA Sequencing Data from the Human Microbiome Project |
HMP2Data | John Stansfield, Ekaterina Smirnova | 16s rRNA sequencing data from the Human Microbiome Project 2 |
homosapienDEE2CellScore | Justin Marsh | Example Data Package for CellScore |
HSMMSingleCell | Cole Trapnell | Single-cell RNA-Seq for differentiating human skeletal muscle myoblasts (HSMM) |
HumanAffyData | Brad Nelms | GEO accession GSE64985 and ArrayExpress accession E-MTAB-62 as ExpressionSet objects |
humanHippocampus2024 | Christine Hou | Access to SRT and snRNA-seq data from spatial_HPC project |
humanStemCell | R. Gentleman | Human Stem Cells time course experiment |
IHWpaper | Nikos Ignatiadis | Reproduce figures in IHW paper |
Illumina450ProbeVariants.db | Tiffany Morris | Annotation Package combining variant data from 1000 Genomes Project for Illumina HumanMethylation450 Bead Chip probes |
IlluminaDataTestFiles | Kasper Daniel Hansen | Illumina microarray files (IDAT) for testing |
imcdatasets | Nicolas Damond | Collection of publicly available imaging mass cytometry (IMC) datasets |
ITALICSData | Guillem Rigaill | ITALICSData |
Iyer517 | Vince Carey | exprSets for Iyer, Eisen et all 1999 Science paper |
JASPAR2014 | Ge Tan | Data package for JASPAR |
JASPAR2016 | Ge Tan | Data package for JASPAR 2016 |
JohnsonKinaseData | Florian Geier | Kinase PWMs based on data published by Johnson et al. 2023 and Yaron-Barir et al. 2024 |
KEGGandMetacoreDzPathwaysGEO | Gaurav Bhatti | Disease Datasets from GEO |
KEGGdzPathwaysGEO | Gaurav Bhatti | KEGG Disease Datasets from GEO |
kidpack | Wolfgang Huber | DKFZ kidney package |
KOdata | Shana White | LINCS Knock-Out Data Package |
leeBamViews | VJ Carey | leeBamViews -- multiple yeast RNAseq samples excerpted from Lee 2009 |
LegATo | Aubrey Odom | LegATo: Longitudinal mEtaGenomic Analysis Toolkit |
leukemiasEset | Sara Aibar | Leukemia's microarray gene expression data (expressionSet). |
LiebermanAidenHiC2009 | Felix Klein | Selected data from the HiC paper of E. Lieberman-Aiden et al. in Science (2009) |
ListerEtAlBSseq | Mattia Furlan | BS-seq data of H1 and IMR90 cell line excerpted from Lister et al. 2009 |
LRcellTypeMarkers | Wenjing Ma | Marker gene information for LRcell R Bioconductor package |
lumiBarnes | Pan Du | Barnes Benchmark Illumina Tissues Titration Data |
LungCancerACvsSCCGEO | Adi Laurentiu Tarca | A lung cancer dataset that can be used with maPredictDSC package for developing outcome prediction models from Affymetrix CEL files. |
LungCancerLines | Michael Lawrence | Reads from Two Lung Cancer Cell Lines |
lungExpression | Robert Scharpf | ExpressionSets for Parmigiani et al., 2004 Clinical Cancer Research paper |
lydata | Alex Pickering | Example Dataset for crossmeta Package |
M3DExampleData | Tallulah Andrews | M3Drop Example Data |
macrophage | Michael Love | Human macrophage immune response |
MACSdata | Qiang Hu | Test datasets for the MACSr package |
mammaPrintData | Luigi Marchionni | RGLists from the Glas and Buyse breast cancer studies |
maqcExpression4plex | Benilton Carvalho | Sample Expression Data - MAQC / HG18 - NimbleGen |
MAQCsubset | VJ Carey | Experimental Data Package: MAQCsubset |
marinerData | Eric Davis | ExperimentHub data for the mariner package |
mCSEAdata | Jordi Martorell Marugán | Data package for mCSEA package |
mcsurvdata | Adria Caballe Mestres | Meta cohort survival data |
MEDIPSData | Lukas Chavez | Example data for MEDIPS and QSEA packages |
MEEBOdata | Agnes Paquet | MEEBO set and MEEBO controls. |
MerfishData | Ludwig Geistlinger | Collection of public MERFISH datasets |
MetaGxBreast | Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Transcriptomic Breast Cancer Datasets |
MetaGxOvarian | Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Transcriptomic Ovarian Cancer Datasets |
MetaGxPancreas | Benjamin Haibe-Kains | Transcriptomic Pancreatic Cancer Datasets |
metaMSdata | Yann Guitton | Example CDF data for the metaMS package |
MetaScope | Aubrey Odom | Tools and functions for preprocessing 16S and metagenomic sequencing microbiome data |
MethylAidData | M. van Iterson | MethylAid-summarized data for 2800 Illumina 450k array samples and 2620 EPIC array samples |
methylclockData | Dolors Pelegri-Siso | Data for methylclock package |
MethylSeqData | Peter Hickey | Collection of Public DNA Methylation Sequencing Datasets |
MicrobiomeBenchmarkData | Samuel Gamboa | Datasets for benchmarking in microbiome research |
microbiomeDataSets | Leo Lahti | Experiment Hub based microbiome datasets |
microRNAome | Matthew N. McCall | SummarizedExperiment for the microRNAome project |
minfiData | Kasper Daniel Hansen | Example data for the Illumina Methylation 450k array |
minfiDataEPIC | Kasper Daniel Hansen | Example data for the Illumina Methylation EPIC array |
minionSummaryData | Mike Smith | Summarised MinION sequencing data published by Ashton et al. 2015 |
miRcompData | Matthew N. McCall | Data used in the miRcomp package |
miRNATarget | Y-h. Taguchi | gene target tabale of miRNA for human/mouse used for MiRaGE package |
MMDiffBamSubset | Gabriele Schweikert | Example ChIP-Seq data for the MMDiff package |
MOFAdata | Britta Velten | Data package for Multi-Omics Factor Analysis (MOFA) |
mosaicsExample | Dongjun Chung | Example data for the mosaics package, which implements MOSAiCS and MOSAiCS-HMM, a statistical framework to analyze one-sample or two-sample ChIP-seq data for transcription factor binding and histone modification |
mouse4302barcodevecs | Matthew N. McCall | mouse4302 data for barcode |
MouseAgingData | Tram Nguyen | Multi-omics data access for studies investigating the effects of aging |
MouseGastrulationData | Jonathan Griffiths | Single-Cell -omics Data across Mouse Gastrulation and Early Organogenesis |
MouseThymusAgeing | Mike Morgan | Single-cell Transcriptomics Data of the Ageing Mouse Thymus |
msd16s | Joseph N. Paulson | Healthy and moderate to severe diarrhea 16S expression data |
msdata | Steffen Neumann, Laurent Gatto | Various Mass Spectrometry raw data example files |
msigdb | Dharmesh D. Bhuva | An ExperimentHub Package for the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) |
MSMB | Wolfgang Huber | Data sets for the book 'Modern Statistics for Biology' |
msPurityData | Thomas N. Lawson | Fragmentation spectral libraries and data to test the msPurity package |
msqc1 | Christian Panse | Sigma mix MSQC1 data |
mtbls2 | Steffen Neumann | MetaboLights MTBLS2: Comparative LC/MS-based profiling of silver nitrate-treated Arabidopsis thaliana leaves of wild-type and cyp79B2 cyp79B3 double knockout plants. Böttcher et al. (2004) |
MUGAExampleData | Daniel Gatti | Example {M}ouse {U}niversal {G}enotyping {A}rray data for genome reconstruction and quantitative trait locus mapping. |
muleaData | Eszter Ari | Genes Sets for Functional Enrichment Analysis with the 'mulea' R Package |
multiWGCNAdata | Dario Tommasini | Data Package for multiWGCNA |
muscData | Helena L. Crowell | Multi-sample multi-group scRNA-seq data |
mvoutData | VJ Carey | affy and illumina raw data for assessing outlier detector performance |
NanoporeRNASeq | Ying Chen | Nanopore RNA-Seq Example data |
nanotubes | Malte Thodberg | Mouse nanotube CAGE data |
NCIgraphData | Laurent Jacob | Data for the NCIgraph software package |
NestLink | Lennart Opitz | NestLink an R data package to guide through Engineered Peptide Barcodes for In-Depth Analyzes of Binding Protein Ensembles |
NetActivityData | Carlos Ruiz-Arenas | Data required for getting the gene set scores with NetActivity package |
Neve2006 | VJ Carey | expression and CGH data on breast cancer cell lines |
NGScopyData | Xiaobei Zhao | Subset of BAM files of human tumor and pooled normal sequencing data (Zhao et al. 2014) for the NGScopy package |
nullrangesData | Michael Love | ExperimentHub datasets for the nullranges package |
NxtIRFdata | Alex Chit Hei Wong | Data for NxtIRF |
ObMiTi | Omar Elashkar | Ob/ob Mice Data on Normal and High Fat Diet |
oct4 | Michael Love | Conditional knockdown of OCT4 in mouse ESCs |
octad.db | E. Chekalin | Open Cancer TherApeutic Discovery (OCTAD) database |
OMICsPCAdata | Subhadeep Das | Supporting data for package OMICsPCA |
OnassisJavaLibs | Eugenia Galeota | OnassisJavaLibs, java libraries to run conceptmapper and semantic similarity |
optimalFlowData | Hristo Inouzhe | optimalFlowData |
orthosData | Panagiotis Papasaikas | Data for the orthos package |
parathyroidSE | Michael Love | RangedSummarizedExperiment for RNA-Seq of primary cultures of parathyroid tumors by Haglund et al., J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012. |
pasilla | Alejandro Reyes | Data package with per-exon and per-gene read counts of RNA-seq samples of Pasilla knock-down by Brooks et al., Genome Research 2011. |
pasillaBamSubset | Hervé Pagès | Subset of BAM files from "Pasilla" experiment |
PasillaTranscriptExpr | Malgorzata Nowicka | Data package with transcript expression obtained with kallisto from pasilla knock-down RNA-Seq data from Brooks et al. |
PathNetData | Ludwig Geistlinger | Experimental data for the PathNet package |
PCHiCdata | Mikhail Spivakov | Promoter Capture Hi-C data |
pd.atdschip.tiling | Kristof De Beuf | Platform Design Info for Affymetrix Atdschip_tiling |
pepDat | Renan Sauteraud | Peptide microarray data package |
PepsNMRData | Manon Martin | Datasets for the PepsNMR package |
PhyloProfileData | Vinh Tran | Data package for phylogenetic profile analysis using PhyloProfile tool |
plotgardenerData | Nicole Kramer | Datasets and test data files for the plotgardener package |
prebsdata | Karolis Uziela | Data for 'prebs' package |
preciseTADhub | Mikhail Dozmorov | Pre-trained random forest models obtained using preciseTAD |
PREDAsampledata | Francesco Ferrari | expression and copy number data on clear cell renal carcinoma samples |
ProData | Xiaochun Li | SELDI-TOF data of Breast cancer samples |
pRolocdata | Lisa Breckels | Data accompanying the pRoloc package |
prostateCancerCamcap | Mark Dunning | Prostate Cancer Data |
prostateCancerGrasso | Mark Dunning | Prostate Cancer Data |
prostateCancerStockholm | Mark Dunning | Prostate Cancer Data |
prostateCancerTaylor | Mark Dunning | Prostate Cancer Data |
prostateCancerVarambally | Mark Dunning | Prostate Cancer Data |
ProteinGymR | Tram Nguyen | Programmatic access to ProteinGym datasets in R/Bioconductor |
ptairData | camille Roquencourt | PTR-TOF-MS volatolomics raw datasets from exhaled air and cell culture headspace |
PtH2O2lipids | James Collins | P. tricornutum HPLC-ESI-MS Lipid Data from van Creveld et al. (2015) |
pumadata | Xuejun liu | Various data sets for use with the puma package |
PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background | Diego Diez | D. melanogaster background for PWMEnrich |
PWMEnrich.Hsapiens.background | Diego Diez | H. sapiens background for PWMEnrich |
PWMEnrich.Mmusculus.background | Diego Diez | M. musculus background for PWMEnrich |
QDNAseq.hg19 | Daoud Sie | QDNAseq bin annotation for hg19 |
QDNAseq.mm10 | Daoud Sie | Bin annotation mm10 |
qPLEXdata | Kamal Kishore Developer | Data accompanying qPLEXanalyzer package |
QUBICdata | Yu Zhang | Data employed in the vignette of the QUBIC package |
raerdata | Kent Riemondy | A collection of datasets for use with raer package |
rcellminerData | Augustin Luna, Vinodh Rajapakse, Fathi Elloumi | rcellminerData: Molecular Profiles and Drug Response for the NCI-60 Cell Lines |
RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp | Sara Aibar | RcisTarget motif databases for human (hg19) - Subset of 4.6k motifs | | Johannes Griss | Companion data package for the ReactomeGSA package |
RegParallel | Kevin Blighe | Standard regression functions in R enabled for parallel processing over large data-frames |
RforProteomics | Laurent Gatto | Companion package to the 'Using R and Bioconductor for proteomics data analysis' publication |
RGMQLlib | Simone Pallotta | RGMQLlib, java libraries to run GMQL scala API |
rheumaticConditionWOLLBOLD | Alejandro Quiroz-Zarate | Normalized gene expression dataset published by Wollbold et al. [2009] (WOLLBOLD). |
RITANdata | Michael Zimmermann | This package contains reference annotation and network data sets |
RMassBankData | Michael Stravs, Emma Schymanski | Test dataset for RMassBank |
RNAmodR.Data | Felix G.M. Ernst | Example data for the RNAmodR package |
RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14 | Hervé Pagès | Aligned reads from RNAseq experiment: Transcription profiling by high throughput sequencing of HNRNPC knockdown and control HeLa cells |
RnaSeqSampleSizeData | Shilin Zhao | RnaSeqSampleSizeData |
RnBeads.hg19 | RnBeadsAnnotationCreator | RnBeads.hg19 |
RnBeads.hg38 | RnBeads Team | RnBeads.hg38 |
RnBeads.mm10 | RnBeads Team | RnBeads.mm10 |
RnBeads.mm9 | RnBeadsAnnotationCreator | RnBeads.mm9 |
RnBeads.rn5 | RnBeadsAnnotationCreator | RnBeads.rn5 |
RRBSdata | Katja Hebestreit | An RRBS data set with 12 samples and 10,000 simulated DMRs |
rRDPData | Michael Hahsler | Databases for the Default RDP Classifier |
RTCGA.clinical | Marcin Kosinski | Clinical datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RTCGA.CNV | Marcin Kosinski | CNV (Copy-number variation) datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RTCGA.methylation | Marcin Kosinski | Methylation datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RTCGA.miRNASeq | Marcin Kosinski | miRNASeq datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RTCGA.mRNA | Marcin Kosinski | mRNA datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RTCGA.mutations | Marcin Kosinski | Mutations datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RTCGA.PANCAN12 | Marcin Kosinski | PanCan 12 from Genome Cancer Browser |
RTCGA.rnaseq | Marcin Kosinski | Rna-seq datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RTCGA.RPPA | Marcin Kosinski | RPPA datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas Project |
RUVnormalizeData | Laurent Jacob | Gender data for the RUVnormalize package |
sampleClassifierData | Khadija El Amrani | Pre-processed data for use with the sampleClassifier package | | Weijun Luo | Supporting datasets for SBGNview package |
scaeData | Ahmad Al Ajami | Data Package for SingleCellAlleleExperiment |
scanMiRData | Pierre-Luc Germain | miRNA Affinity models for the scanMiR package |
scATAC.Explorer | Arrian Gibson-Khademi | A Collection of Single-cell ATAC Sequencing Datasets and Corresponding Metadata |
SCLCBam | Oscar Krijgsman | Sequence data from chromosome 4 of a small-cell lung tumor |
scMultiome | Xiaosai Yao | Collection of Public Single-Cell Multiome (scATAC + scRNAseq) Datasets |
scpdata | Christophe Vanderaa | Single-Cell Proteomics Data Package |
scRNAseq | Aaron Lun | Collection of Public Single-Cell RNA-Seq Datasets | | Michele Ceccarelli | The package contains examples of single cell data used in vignettes and examples of the scTHI package; data contain both tumor cells and immune cells from public dataset of glioma | | Arjun Kinstlick | data set for R package seq2pathway |
seqc | Yang Liao and Wei Shi | RNA-seq data generated from SEQC (MAQC-III) study |
serumStimulation | Morten Hansen, | serumStimulation is a data package which is used by examples in package pcaGoPromoter |
sesameData | Wanding Zhou | Supporting Data for SeSAMe Package |
seventyGeneData | Luigi Marchionni | ExpressionSets from the van't Veer and Van de Vijver breast cancer studies |
SFEData | Lambda Moses | Example SpatialFeatureExperiment datasets |
shinyMethylData | Jean-Philippe Fortin | Example dataset of input data for shinyMethyl |
signatureSearchData | Brendan Gongol | Datasets for signatureSearch package |
SimBenchData | Yue Cao | SimBenchData: a collection of 35 single-cell RNA-seq data covering a wide range of data characteristics |
simpIntLists | Kircicegi Korkmaz | The package contains BioGRID interactions for various organisms in a simple format |
Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes | Alejandro Reyes | Single Cell Transcriptome Data and Analysis of Mouse mTEC cells |
SingleCellMultiModal | Marcel Ramos | Integrating Multi-modal Single Cell Experiment datasets |
SingleMoleculeFootprintingData | Guido Barzaghi | Data supporting the SingleMoleculeFootprinting pkg |
smokingMouse | Daianna Gonzalez-Padilla | Provides access to smokingMouse project data |
SNAData | Denise Scholtens | Social Networks Analysis Data Examples |
SNAGEEdata | David Venet | SNAGEE data |
SNPhoodData | Christian Arnold | Additional and more complex example data for the SNPhood package |
SomatiCAData | Mengjie Chen | An example cancer whole genome sequencing data for the SomatiCA package |
SomaticCancerAlterations | Julian Gehring | Somatic Cancer Alterations |
SpatialDatasets | Ellis Patrick | Collection of spatial omics datasets |
spatialDmelxsim | Michael Love | Spatial allelic expression counts for fly cross embryo |
spatialLIBD | Leonardo Collado-Torres | spatialLIBD: an R/Bioconductor package to visualize spatially-resolved transcriptomics data |
SpikeIn | Robert D Shear | Affymetrix Spike-In Experiment Data |
SpikeInSubset | Robert D Shear | Part of Affymetrix's Spike-In Experiment Data |
spqnData | Yi Wang | Data for the spqn package |
stemHypoxia | Cristobal Fresno | Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells under Hypoxia gene expression dataset by Prado-Lopez et al. (2010) |
STexampleData | Lukas M. Weber | Collection of spatial transcriptomics datasets in SpatialExperiment Bioconductor format |
SubcellularSpatialData | Dharmesh D. Bhuva | Annotated spatial transcriptomics datasets from 10x Xenium, NanoString CosMx and BGI STOmics. |
SVM2CRMdata | Guidantonio Malagoli Tagliazucchi | An example dataset for use with the SVM2CRM package |
synapterdata | Laurent Gatto | Data accompanying the synapter package |
systemPipeRdata | Thomas Girke | systemPipeRdata: Workflow templates and sample data |
TabulaMurisData | Charlotte Soneson | 10x And SmartSeq2 Data From The Tabula Muris Consortium |
TabulaMurisSenisData | Charlotte Soneson | Bulk and single-cell RNA-seq data from the Tabula Muris Senis project |
TargetScoreData | Yue Li | TargetScoreData |
TargetSearchData | Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza | Example GC-MS data for TargetSearch Package |
tartare | Christian Panse | Raw ground spectra recorded on Thermo Fisher Scientific mass spectrometers |
TBX20BamSubset | D. Bindreither | Subset of BAM files from the "TBX20" experiment | | Tiago Chedraoui Silva | Data for the TCGAbiolinksGUI package |
TCGAcrcmiRNA | Claudio Isella | TCGA CRC 450 miRNA dataset |
TCGAcrcmRNA | Claudio Isella | TCGA CRC 450 mRNA dataset |
TCGAMethylation450k | Sean Davis | The Cancer Genome Atlas Illumina 450k methylation example data |
TCGAWorkflowData | Tiago Chedraoui Silva | Data for TCGA Workflow |
TENET.ExperimentHub | Rhie Lab at the University of Southern California | Experiment data for the TENET package |
TENxBrainData | Bioconductor Package Maintainer | Data from the 10X 1.3 Million Brain Cell Study |
TENxBUSData | Lambda Moses | Single cell dataset from 10x in BUS format |
TENxPBMCData | Stephanie Hicks | PBMC data from 10X Genomics |
TENxVisiumData | Helena L. Crowell | Visium spatial gene expression data by 10X Genomics |
TENxXeniumData | Matineh Rahmatbakhsh | Collection of Xenium spatial data by 10X genomics |
timecoursedata | Nelle Varoquaux | A data package for timecourse RNA-seq and microarray gene expression data sets |
TimerQuant | Joseph Barry | Timer Quantification |
tinesath1cdf | Tine Casneuf | tinesath1cdf |
tinesath1probe | Tine Casneuf | Probe sequence data for microarrays of type tinesath1 |
tissueTreg | Charles Imbusch | TWGBS and RNA-seq data from tissue T regulatory cells from mice |
TMExplorer | Erik Christensen | A Collection of Tumour Microenvironment Single-cell RNA Sequencing Datasets and Corresponding Metadata |
tofsimsData | Lorenz Gerber | Import, process and analysis of ToF-SIMS imaging data |
topdownrdata | Sebastian Gibb | Example Files for the topdownr R Package |
TransOmicsData | Di Xiao | A collection of trans-omics datasets across various biological systems |
tuberculosis | Lucas Schiffer | Tuberculosis Gene Expression Data for Machine Learning |
TumourMethData | Richard Heery | A Collection of DNA Methylation Datasets for Human Tumour Samples and Matching Normal Samples |
tweeDEseqCountData | Dolors Pelegri-Siso | RNA-seq count data employed in the vignette of the tweeDEseq package |
tximportData | Michael Love | tximportData |
VariantToolsData | Michael Lawrence | Data for the VariantTools tutorial |
VectraPolarisData | Wrobel Julia | Vectra Polaris and Vectra 3 multiplex single-cell imaging data |
vulcandata | Federico M. Giorgi | VirtUaL ChIP-Seq data Analysis using Networks, dummy dataset |
WeberDivechaLCdata | Lukas M. Weber | Spatially-resolved transcriptomics and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data from the locus coeruleus (LC) in postmortem human brain samples |
WES.1KG.WUGSC | Yuchao Jiang | Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) of chromosome 22 401st to 500th exon from the 1000 Genomes (1KG) Project by the Washington University Genome Sequencing Center (WUGSC). |
WGSmapp | Rujin Wang | Mappability tracks of Whole-genome Sequencing from the ENCODE Project |
xcoredata | Maciej Migdał | data package for xcore |
XhybCasneuf | Tineke Casneuf | EBI/PSB cross-hybridisation study package |
yeastCC | Sandrine Dudoit | Spellman et al. (1998) and Pramila/Breeden (2006) yeast cell cycle microarray data |
yeastExpData | R. Gentleman | Yeast Experimental Data |
yeastGSData | R. Gentleman | Yeast Gold Standard Data |
yeastNagalakshmi | Bioconductor Package Maintainer | Yeast genome RNA sequencing data based on Nagalakshmi et. al. |
yeastRNASeq | J. Bullard | Yeast RNA-Seq Experimental Data from Lee et al. 2008 |
zebrafishRNASeq | Davide Risso | Zebrafish RNA-Seq Experimental Data from Ferreira et al. (2014) |